On this page, you'll find information about issues before the Ontario Legislature.
For many issues, there is an accompanying petition. You can download and print any of these petitions, then collect signatures and return them to my office. Only original copies of petitions can be presented to the Legislative Assembly of Ontario.
If you choose to collect signatures on a petition, please do so in a safe way that respects all COVID-19 public health guidance. Please note that original signatures are required, individual sheets do not have to be completely filled, and there is no minimum number of signatures. You may consider getting signatures in person from your own close contacts, and then sharing the PDF or link with others.
Completed petitions can be mailed or dropped off in the orange mailbox at my community office:
101-240 Commissioners Road West, London, ON N6J 1Y1
If you have questions about petitions, please contact my office at [email protected].
Would you like to write your own petition?
You can find guidelines on preparing petitions here, or if you want help with making one please contact my office.
Bring Back the Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey
My motion calling for the government to regularly gather data about post-secondary students' experiences of and beliefs about gender-based and sexual violence.
Paid Sick Days
My bill to provide paid sick days for every worker in Ontario.
My Stay Home If You Are Sick Act creates a made-in-Ontario framework for providing paid sick leave to all Ontario workers, during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.
Our London Family Act
Our bill to fight back against Islamophobia and hate.
London MPPs and the National Council of Canadian Muslims have collaborated on new legislation to fight back against Islamophobia and hate. Add your name to call for urgent action to tear down Islamophobia, white supremacist groups and organized hate.
Get more details and sign the petition calling for the government to pass this bill.
Safe Night Out Act
My bill to make drinking establishments safe and prevent sexual violence and harassment.
My Safe Night Out Act is a bill to help prevent sexual violence and harassment in Ontario and make licensed premises safer for patrons and staff.
Everyone deserves to feel safe anywhere they visit. My goal is not only to ensure that those who visit environments where liquor is served are free from sexual violence and harassment, but that workers and liquor license holders have the tools they need to make their premises safe and enjoyable for all.
Get more details and sign the petition calling for the government to pass this bill.
Double Social Assistance Rates
Tell the government to immediately double social assistance rates to lift people who rely on ODSP or OW out of legislated poverty.
Establish Homes Ontario
Tell the government it is time to establish a new public agency, Homes Ontario, to finance and build 250,000 new affordable and non-market homes on public land.
Protect 2SLGBTQI+ Communities & Drag Artists
Tell the Ontario government to pass the Protecting 2SLGBTQI+ Communities Act so that 2SLGTBQI+ Safety Zones can deter bigoted harassment and an advisory committee can be struck to protect 2SLGTBQI+ Communities from hate crimes.
Stop Train and Trial Areas
Tell the Ontario government to immediately stop all plans to open new train and trail areas in Ontario. These are penned areas where wildlife are kept for the purpose of training dogs to hunt and kill them.
Keep Classrooms Safe for Students and Staff
Tell the Ontario government to take immediate action to address violence in our schools.
Stop Health Care Privatization
Tell the Ontario government to immediately stop all plans to further privatize Ontario's health care system.
Protect the Greenbelt
Tell the Ontario government to stop all plans to remove protected land from the Greenbelt and protect existing farmland in the province.
Make Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free
Tell the Ontario government to pass the Making Psychotherapy Services Tax-Free Acts immediately to remove this barrier to accessing mental health care.
Invest in Ontario's Arts & Culture Sector
Tell the government to invest in Ontario's vibrant arts and culture industry.
Support the Gender Affirming Health Care Act
Tell the Ontario government to improve access to and coverage for gender affirming health care in Ontario.
Protect water as a public good
Prioritize public ownership and control of water over corporate interests and make free drinking water accessible in all public spaces across the province.
Stop Auto Insurance Gouging
Londoners cannot afford to wait any longer for relief on sky-high auto insurance rates. If Ontarians are overpaying auto insurance companies by as much as reports suggest, that needs to stop. Ontarian drivers deserve better. I am urging the government to cap profit margins of auto insurance companies to they can't gouge Ontario drivers.
Ontario Dementia Strategy
Tell the Ontario government to develop, commit, and fund a comprehensive Ontario Dementia Strategy.
Protect Migratory Birds
Millions of birds migrate across Ontario each year, but many do not make it. Windows that reflect the sky and clouds can appear invisible to a moving bird, so they continue to fly at high speeds until they fly into the glass and fall to the ground.
FLAP Canada states that over 25 million birds die through collisions with windows in Canada each year. Thankfully, we have a way to dramatically reduce bird collisions with windows, by adopting the Canadian Standards Association’s 2019 bird-friendly design standard into the Ontario building code for all new construction in the province of Ontario. This is a proactive and inexpensive measure that will protect Ontario’s biodiversity for years to come.
Bring Back Real Rent Control
Tell the government to immediately pass the Rent Control for All Tenants Act to restore rent control for units first occupied after November 15, 2018.
Support Chad's Law
Ontario is the only Canadian province that does not completely ban passing on double yellow-lines, a maneuver that can be fatal and should not be left to drivers’ discretion. Tell the government to pass Chad’s Law and make Ontario roads safer for everyone.
Declare Intimate Partner Violence an Epidemic
Tell the government to declare an intimate partner violence epidemic, an important step in raising awareness and addressing gender-based violence.
Take Action on Child Care
Tell the government to create a child care workforce strategy so that every family can access affordable, quality, licensed child care.
Click here to share your childcare story and download a petition.
Bring back wastewater surveillance
Wastewater surveillance is the most cost effective way to monitor the spread of infectious diseases such as COVID-19, influenza, RSV, mpox and N5N1, but the provincial government scrapped the program in July 2024. Tell them to bring back provincial wastewater testing!
Support a new deal for municipalities
For decades, provincial governments have been downloading costs to municipalities, forcing them to make impossible choices between critical services. Tell them Ontario communities deserve a new deal.
Fund School Food Programs
Tell the government to increase provincial funding for school nutrition programs, and sign on immediately to the National School Food Program.
Pass Anti-Scab Labour Legislation
Tell the government to pass strong and fair anti-scab legislation that will lead to shorter labour disputes, safer workplaces, and less hostile picket lines.
Make Mental Healthcare Available to Everyone
Tell the government to make mental healthcare available to everyone at no cost, through Ontario's universal healthcare plan.
Save Our Bike Lanes
Tell the government to preserve existing bike lanes and allowing municipalities to make the right decisions for their communities about new bike lanes.
Increase Operating Budgets for the Arts Sector
Tell the government to increase annual operating budgets of the Ontario Arts Council, Experience Ontario, Community Museum Operating Grant, Ontario Creates, and Ontario's public library.