Special greetings & certificates
Elected officials will send special congratulatory greetings and/or certificates to people celebrating significant birthdays, wedding anniversaries, or other events.
NOTE: The recipient or requestor must live in the riding, and scroll requests will only be processed if the recipient is a resident of Ontario.
Here is the criteria:
The Queen will send a congratulatory letter on:
- a 60th wedding anniversary and all subsequent anniversaries; or
- a 100th birthday and all subsequent birthdays.
Requests for The Queen’s greetings must be submitted at least three (3) months in advance and requires proof of date of birth or marriage, whichever is applicable (a copy of the birth certificate or marriage certificate is required).
The Governor-General will send a congratulatory letter on:
- a 50th wedding anniversary and all subsequent anniversaries; or
- a 90th birthday and all subsequent birthdays.
Requests for the Governor-General’s greetings must be submitted at least three (3) months in advance.
The Prime Minister of Canada will send a congratulatory letter on:
- a 25th or 50th wedding anniversary and all subsequent anniversaries in 5 year intervals; or
- a 65th or 70th birthday and all subsequent birthdays in 5 year intervals.
Requests for the Prime Minister’s greetings must be submitted at least two (2) months in advance.
The Premier of Ontario will send a congratulatory letter on:
- a 40th wedding anniversary and all subsequent anniversaries; or
- an 80th birthday and all subsequent birthdays.
Requests for the Premier’s greetings must be submitted at least two (2) months in advance. Please note that congratulatory letters will not be issued more than once every five (5) years.
Your Member of Provincial Parliament, will send a congratulatory letter on:
- Any birthday or wedding anniversary; or
- Any celebratory occasion.
Requests for the MPP's greetings must be submitted as early as possible.
ODSP & Ontario Works
Call or visit your local Ontario Works office for information regarding Ontario Works & Ontario Disability Support Program.
Social Insurance NumberAt the beginning of the application process, you will receive information about the Ontario Disability Support Program/Ontario Works. You will also be told which information and documents may be needed to complete the application process. You will need:
- Health Card Number
- Proof of Identity and Date of Birth
- Employment History/Information
- Income and Asset Statements
- Shelter Costs
- Status in Canada and Dependent Information
The application process is completed in person at your local ODSP/Ontario Works office. You will be required to complete and sign all necessary forms, including the application for assistance, and a participation agreement outlining the specific employment activities you may participate in. You will also need to provide any required information and documents.
Affordable housing
Who can apply for subsidized housing?
The following applies for each member of the household:
Each member must be a Canadian citizen, landed immigrant (permanent resident), or refugee;
At least one person in your household must be 16 years of age or older and be able to live independently;
If you or any member of the household has arrears owing to any social housing provider in Ontario, Access to Housing will require confirmation that the member has entered into an agreement with the housing provider for repayment of the arrears before your application is processed;
Your application will be rejected if any member of the household has been convicted in court or at the Ontario Rental Tribunal within the last two (2) years of an offence related to rent-geared-to-income housing under section 85 of the SHRA or a crime under the Criminal Code of Canada in relation to rent-geared-to-income assistance.
If anyone in your household has a financial interest in another home anywhere in the world, you must agree, in writing, to divest yourself of the property within one (1) year of getting housed. You do not have to make this decision before you apply but you will have to make it before you get housed.
Tenants and landlords
This information below can be found on the Landlord & Tenant Board website of the Ontario government.
When to Apply to the Landlord and Tenant Board (LTB)
- Who is covered by the Residential Tenancies Act (RTA)?
- I have a disagreement with my roommate. Can I apply to the LTB?
- I live in a care home. Does the RTA apply?
- I rent a site in a mobile home park. Does the RTA apply?
- I live in a non-profit housing co-operative. Does the RTA apply?
- Which application should I file?
- Can a landlord ask a person applying for a rental unit to provide information about their income, credit references and rental history?
- Do landlords and tenants have to have a written lease or tenancy agreement?
- Where can I get a copy of the standard lease form?
- What information does a landlord have to give to a new tenant?
- Can a landlord charge a person a deposit or a fee for allowing them to rent a unit?
- Am I required by law to have tenant insurance?
- Who is responsible for maintaining the unit?
- Can I withhold rent because my landlord isn’t properly maintaining my building or unit?
- What should I do if repairs are needed to my building or unit?
- Can I pay my rent to the LTB if my landlord isn't properly maintaining my building or unit?
- When does a landlord have to turn the heat on? What temperature does my landlord have to keep my apartment at?
- What can I do if my landlord does not turn on the heat?
- My landlord applied to evict me for not paying my rent, but I have maintenance issues I want to raise. What can I do?
- What can I do if I have a problem with pests such as rats, mice, cockroaches or bedbugs?
- What can I do if I have a problem with mould in my unit?
- What if my landlord doesn't fix a pest or mould problem?
- I need to treat a mould or pest problem in my tenant's unit but my tenant isn't cooperating. What can I do?
- Whose responsibility is it to maintain smoke and carbon monoxide alarms?
- Who is responsible for snow removal?
- Who is responsible for garbage removal?
- Can a landlord refuse to rent to a person who has a pet?
- Can a landlord evict a tenant for having a pet?
- Second-hand smoke (cannabis or tobacco) from a neighbour is bothering me. What can I do?
- Can the landlord enter a tenant’s unit?
- Can I refuse to let the landlord in if the landlord wants to enter my unit?
- What if my landlord enters my unit illegally?
- Can a tenant change the locks?
- Can the landlord change the locks?
- How is the rent decided?
- How often can a landlord increase the rent?
- How much can a landlord legally increase the rent this year?
- I'm a landlord and I haven't increased the rent in my unit for 5 years. Can I increase it by more than the guideline this year?
- When can a landlord apply for a rent increase above the guideline?
- Does a landlord have to notify a tenant of a rent increase?
- Does a landlord have to give rent receipts?
- What information has to be in a receipt?
- When is the rent considered late?
- If a tenant is late with their rent, what can the landlord do?
- I received a notice from the city telling me that my rent is being reduced. What does this mean?
Rent Deposits and Other Charges
- Can a landlord collect a rent deposit?
- Can a landlord ask a tenant to pay money to update their rent deposit?
- Does a landlord have to pay interest on a rent deposit?
- Can a landlord ask for a deposit for keys?
- Can the landlord charge for additional or replacement keys?
- If the landlord changes the locks, can the landlord charge the tenant for the new keys?
- Can the landlord charge the tenant a damage deposit?
- Can a landlord charge a fee if a tenant’s rent cheque is returned NSF?
- How much notice does a tenant have to give if they want to move out?
- Can a tenant break a lease?
- What is the difference between assigning and subletting a unit?
- How can a tenant sublet their unit?
- What happens if a tenant assigns or sublets their unit without the landlord’s consent?
- What can I do if my landlord gives me a Notice of Termination?
- What is the process for evicting a tenant?
- Can a tenant be evicted without a hearing?
- Can a tenant be evicted in the winter?
- Can a landlord evict a tenant in the middle of their lease?
- Can a tenant be evicted for having a roommate?
- Can a tenant be evicted for something that their roommate or a guest they allow into the rental unit does?
- Can a tenant be evicted if the landlord wants to use the unit themselves?
- Can a tenant be evicted if the landlord sells the house or building and the person who bought it wants to move in?
- If the tenant didn't give notice, but the landlord believes the tenant has left the rental unit, can the landlord change the locks and re-rent the unit?
- What can a landlord do with property that is left in the unit after the tenant has moved out or has been evicted?
Tenants and Landlords
- What happens when a lease ends? Does it renew automatically?
- What is the role of the Sheriff's Office in evictions?
Application and Hearing Process
- Before You File
- Choosing an Application
- Filing an Application
- Mediation and the Hearing
- The Order
- Challenging or Correcting an Order
LTB brochures provide information about:
- Rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants
- Processes at the LTB
You can read or print them here or pick up a copy at LTB offices and some ServiceOntario Centres.
If you need a brochure in print or alternate formats like large print or braille, contact the LTB.
Workplace Safety & WSIB
The Workplace Safety & Insurance Act governs the Workplace Safety & Insurance Board (WSIB).
This Act requires that any person acting as a representative for an injured worker be either: a lawyer, a paralegal, a representative of a trade union, or a member of the Office of the Worker Advisor. Although my office is exempt from this provision, my staff are not properly trained to represent workers. This means that we cannot represent you.
However, we are able to assist you with finding the representation you deserve. Although we are unable to represent you at hearings, we are still able to review your claim file and make recommendations.
If you require assistance with any WSIB matter, please ensure you have a copy of your entire claim file. This will ensure we are able to view all the documents pertaining to your matter.
To formally request your claim file from WSIB, you can use this template letter, filling in the blanks with your own personal information.
Income tax
When completing your income tax return, there are three Ontario forms that are of particular interest:
Health & OHIP
Our office can assist you with a number of matters related to health and long-term care.
A resident of Ontario must have a health card to show that he or she is entitled to health care services paid for by OHIP. The Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care pays for a wide range of services, however, it does not pay for services that are not medically necessary, such as cosmetic surgery.
Eligibility for OHIP
Ontario residents are eligible for provincially funded health coverage (OHIP). Generally, to be eligible for Ontario health coverage you must be:
- A Canadian citizen, permanent resident or among one of the newcomer to Canada groups who are eligible for OHIP as set out in Ontario’s Health Insurance Act ; and
- Physically present in Ontario for 153 days in any 12-month period; and
- Physically present in Ontario for at least 153 days of the first 183 days immediately after establishing residency in the province; and
- Make your primary place of residence in Ontario.
OHIP coverage normally becomes effective three months after the date you establish residency in Ontario. The ministry strongly encourages new and returning residents to purchase private health insurance in case you become ill during the OHIP waiting period.
Finding a Family Doctor – Health Care Connect
Health Care Connect helps Ontarians who are without a family health care provider (family doctor or nurse practitioner) to find one. People without a family health care provider are referred to a family doctor or a nurse practitioner who is accepting new patients in their community. To find out more information about Health Care Connect, click here.
Finding Long-term Care
Arranging care for yourself or a family member will involve a number of steps. This section of the website describes the process for arranging care, and the role you can play in the process. See the Arranging Care page for more details.
Your local Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) can help. CCACs are provincially-funded agencies that provide Long-Term Care information and referral services in your area. The information is provided free of charge. To locate the CCAC nearest you, use our CCAC Locator.
To find a suitable long-term care home, this search engine will help you. If you require any assistance with finding a long-term care space, please contact my office..
Education & OSAP
Your first point of contact for help with applying for OSAP is the Financial Aid Office of the school you are applying to. Out-of-province students can get help by calling 1-877-OSAP411 (1-877-672-7411) during business hours.
Please review the OSAP website for more information.
Death certificates
Once a death occurs the physician or coroner attending the death completes the Medical Certificate of Death and gives it to the Funeral Director to go with the body.
To register a death, a family member and the funeral director complete the Statement of Death with information about the deceased.
Once completed, the Medical Certificate of Death and the Statement of Death are submitted to the local municipal clerk’s office by the Funeral Director.
The funeral director will issue copies of a proof of death that you can use in certain situations. There are some organizations, however, that may require an official death certificate from the Province of Ontario, Office of the Registrar General.
You may need an official death certificate or certified copy for:
- Settling an estate
- Insurance purposes
- Access to/termination of government services, e.g., health card, pension, voters’ list
- Genealogy searches
Once the death is registered, the next of kin, executor or estate administrator may apply for a death certificate. Death certificate applications can be made online, by mail, fax, or in person. The different methods of application have different service delivery times and sometimes different fees.
Replacing ID (birth certificate, driver's licence, Ontario Photo Card, or OHIP card)
Get your official identification and certificates directly from the government of Ontario through ServiceOntario at https://www.ontario.ca/page/official-government-id-and-certificates. If you need assistance, or require expedited service, contact my community office for help.
Birth Certificates
Order a replace a birth certificate online at ontario.ca/birthcertificate.
*If the birth happened outside Ontario and within Canada, please contact the Vital Statistics Office in the province or territory where the birth took place.
- Regular service for replacing a birth certificate costs $35
- Regular service for replacing a certified copy of birth registration costs $45
- Premium or emergency service costs an additional $30
Birth Certificate Fee Waiver
If you need to replace a birth certificate, you maybe able to get one without paying the $35 fee if any of the following apply:
- you don't have a fixed or regular address, or a proper place to sleep at night
- you live in a shelter or transitional housing program for people who are homeless
- you live in any place that is not meant to be used as a place where people usually sleep
You have to apply for the waiver. You do this by contacting an agency that will apply for you. Email [email protected] or call ServiceOntario at 1-800-461-2156. Ask for the contact information of agencies approved to take part in the fee waiver program for replacement birth certificates. If your request is approved, you don't pay the fee.
How long will it take?
- Provided that the birth is registered, it should take:
- Online service — 15 business days plus delivery
- Premium online service — 5 business days including delivery by deliver, but with no guarantee
- Emergency online service - 5 busines days including delivery - proof of urgency is required
- Fax or regular mail service — 6 to 8 weeks plus delivery
- Expedited service — 10 days plus delivery
What is the difference between short form and long form birth certificates?
A short form is an extract of information from the original birth registration. It is useful as basic identification.
A long form is a certified copy of the birth registration and is needed when you are:
- Moving to another country
- An executor for a foreign estate
- Are adopting a child abroad
- Filling out certain citizenship or immigration documents