Why a Safe Night Out Act?
- 65% of women report experiencing unwanted sexual advances while socializing in a bar or restaurant, and incidents of sexual assaults involving drugs or alcohol most often occur immediately after leaving a licensed establishment or event
- servers in licenced establishments are also at high risk of sexual violence and harassment from patrons and co-workers
- there is no legal requirement for those who hold liquor licenses and permits, sell and serve liquor, or provide security at licensed establishments and events to be trained in recognizing and safely intervening in sexual harassment and violence;
The Safe Night Out Act will make bars, nightclubs and other licenced premises safer for patrons and staff by:
- requiring training in sexual violence and harassment prevention;
- strengthening protections for servers from workplace sexual violence; and
- requiring every establishment to develop and post a policy on how sexual violence and harassment will be handled, including information about local resources and supports.
Click here to download my petition calling on the government to pass the Safe Night Out Act.
Click here to learn more about the Safe Night Out Act