Peggy Sattler MPP, London West

Government of Ontario

Bring Back the Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey

The Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey was administered one time in Ontario universities, colleges and private colleges in 2018, and confirmed that postsecondary students in Ontario experience gender-based and sexual violence at an alarming rate, and many are unaware of the services and supports available on campus.

Policies, evidence-based prevention efforts and support for survivors must respond to the diverse experiences, needs and perspectives of the student body as they change over time, so colleges and universities need up-to-date information about what is working for students and what is not.

At the same time, Ontario's postsecondary sector is facing unprecedented fiscal challenges because of decades of chronic government underfunding, putting Gender-Based Violence services on campus at risk.

Join our call for the province to:

  • Regularly gather information and publicly report on students’ attitudes, beliefs and experiences related to sexual violence by implementing the Student Voices on Sexual Violence survey in all Ontario colleges, universities and private colleges at least every three years
  • Consult with students, gender-based violence educators and experts on updates and/or additions to the survey questions
  • Allocate resources to act on the survey findings and ensure annual gender-based violence prevention and response training on campus

Download and sign my petition to tell the government to bring back the Student Voices on Sexual Violence Survey. You can also share your thoughts about why this important below.